Sunday, April 11, 2010

Where do we Go?

It is funny. 

The conversations that fly around the office of my current employer are about this technology…. that technology.. Mac vs. PC or Mac & PC vs Linux.

Where did the discussions go that are all about what we do day to day?  We are QA/QE/TE or whatever else you want to call it.  Basically we make sure it works.  Quality isn’t just about Software guys.

How do we do that?  How do we accomplish that? I don’t know, but we do.  There is not some formula someone can give you that you can apply to a project and have it automagically be a quality system.  Everyone talks of “cookie cutters” in business.  I actually think I like that analogy.  I will tell you why:


No Cookie from a Cookie cutter looks the same.  There are differences but you can tell the came from the same mold.


The goal of this blog is to take like minded people and consolidate some ideas.  Try to make our realm of existentialism become something more concrete.  Something people can latch onto…  and pull another generation into the fold of quality IT. 

This place will not only focus on QA/QE from a software standpoint, it will include IT as a whole.  Without IT… We have no quality… without strong business decisions and business focus we have no quality software. 

If you need oranges, but ask for apples and get an apple…well… it still isn’t quality no mater how good that apple tastes.

Quality starts at inception of an idea.  If that Idea has to do with a computer software application, then we as QA/QE or whatever need to be there.